Photography in the Arctic

The landscape is vast and beautiful. The wildlife is rare and humbling. You'll want to remember these moments forever, so get to know your camera.
Discover MoreUntil you reach the Arctic, it can be hard to imagine exactly what it will be like. When you first explore those vast landscapes or icy waters, what you see will exceed your wildest expectations! We hope our guides and videos give you a taste of what to expect.
The Arctic is one of the most beautiful, unique and perfectly preserved regions on the planet. Its variety of landscapes are home to many amazing species, each uniquely adapted to its extraordinary climate.
Largely untouched and undisturbed, special guidelines exist to ensure it continues to be a constant source of wonder and inspiration.
The Association of Arctic Expedition Cruise Operators (AECO) offer advice on how to have the safest and best experience possible, while keeping the Arctic pristine, in their short video.
© Ralph Lee Hopkins
Exploring off-ship in the Arctic is split into two types of activity. Zodiac cruising and landings. In all instances, during your trip, you will need to abide by the AECO guidelines, which include keeping a safe distance from wildlife (minimum 5 metres) and avoiding any activity which may cause an animal to alter its natural behaviour.
Rubber zodiac vessels will be used to get you ashore for landings, after which you will explore on foot. Generally, these are wet landings, where the boat will push up onto the beach and you will then step out into the water and up onto the shore - hence the need to wear your waterproof boots and trousers/pants.
On arrival, you will be briefed by the expedition team as to the nature of the specific landing. They will point out the route, which will be marked by flags, any particular points of interest and any hazards to avoid. Landings may include walks up to a ridge point for a spectacular view, or you may be focussing on a wildlife encounter.
Waterproof and windproof keeping out the chill on a zodiac
Zodiac cruises do not involve landing at all, instead, you will head out for a water-based adventure that could last 1-2 hours. This is one of Swoop’s favourite ways to explore the Arctic as it is the best way to enjoy spectacular icebergs and marine wildlife.
Hikers take in the views on Scoresby Sun, East Greenland
If you are booked onto a voyage in the Arctic you will have 'ship cruising' time scheduled in, as well as zodiac cruises and landings. This often signals a time where the ship is making its way to the next location on the itinerary or passing through somewhere particularly jaw-dropping, which is best viewed from the vantage of the ship’s decks.
The deck of the ship is often the best location from which to spot wildlife and you may hear impromptu announcements on the tannoy inviting you outside to see whales “at 3 o’clock”. This is not a scheduled viewing time, but rather a description of the animals’ position relative to the ship at that exact moment – so this would be directly starboard (right off the ship).
On deck at dusk
Most memorable moment: After watching a polar bear feed on land for an hour, the adrenaline from hearing about, then seeing then following another polar bear swimming directly for the first bear, and then witnessing the tense interactions that followed between them as they faced off for the food. Read the full review
Travelled: June 2022
Helen Starkie Camejo - UK
No need for NOK (Norwegian Krone); Longyearbyen only accepts cards because it doesn’t have a bank. You can’t take too many warm clothes. Read the full review
Travelled: June 2022
Pamela White - UK
Bring warm clothes. Be prepared for the cold in Longyearbyen when you get off the plane. Read the full review
Travelled: May 2022
Shari Murphy - Australia
We recommend you spend any spare time out on deck to make the most of the Arctic. Once aboard, familiarise yourself with the ship's layout including access to the decks, and always have your camera and warm layers to hand, so you can get outdoors quickly if there is a sighting announcement.
The landscape is vast and beautiful. The wildlife is rare and humbling. You'll want to remember these moments forever, so get to know your camera.
Discover MoreReading a few key pieces of literature before and during your trip can significantly change your perception of this extraordinary corner of the world.
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