Reviewer image

Norberto Abad FRANCISCO



Customer Rating On return from their adventure we ask customers: “On a scale of 0-10, with 10 being the highest, how likely is it that you would recommend Swoop to a friend or colleague?”

Norberto Abad FRANCISCO's Trip Date:

17th Jun - 26th Jun 2023

What was your most memorable moment?

To experience wildlife and the planet in a virgin condition.

Which of the following best describes your adventure?

Life changing

On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely is it that you would recommend Swoop to a friend or colleague?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

10 out of 10

On a scale of 0 to 10, how would you rate your trip: Svalbard Polar Bear Safari?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

9 out of 10

Were Swoop right to recommend Quark Expeditions?


Tell us about Zodiac excursions

The best complement to the experience aboard the Ultramarine expedition ship. You get to experience the artic polar region from a different and closer point of view and detail.

Tell us about the expedition team

The expedition team members were all experts in their own field, professional, fun, seasoned speakers and lecturers, and well trained in all conditions. All the lectures were tailored to a vacation mode with just the right amount of information with superb visuals that were excellently delivered.

Tell us about the Ultramarine

I am speechless. I would definitely choose this ship again for it's modern features, comfort, service.

Has your experience changed your perspective in any way?

I am much more concerned and mindful of saving our planet on a daily routine basis.

Do you have any recommendations for Swoop, or feedback about the team?

Superb ship captain and expedition leader. Excellent team of expedition guides, ship maritime, hotel & restaurant crew.

Would you consider another trip to the Arctic with Swoop?


Would you be interested in travelling to Antarctica with Swoop?


Would you be interested in travelling to Patagonia with Swoop?


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